Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Check Your Bank Account Number || The rules for withdrawing money from the bank will change from May 4

Check Your Bank Account Number || The rules for withdrawing money
The rules for withdrawing money from the bank will change from May 4, you will get permission after seeing the account number 
The rules for withdrawing money from banks are going to change from Monday. This significant change has been made due to the lockdown. Due to this, now you will be able to withdraw money only when the last digit of your bank account number matches the allowed date, otherwise you will not be able to withdraw money. The Indian Banks Association has enacted new rules to withdraw money from banks during lockdown. The association has requested all the bank customers not to reach the bank in large numbers simultaneously. It is the best effort of the association that customers reach the bank in minimum number and all their work can be completed by electronic transaction.

This Is Bank New Rule

Banks have now set some dates to withdraw money to prevent congestion and to follow social distancing. This arrangement has been decided on the basis of the last digit of the bank account of the account holder. Under this new rule, bank account holders will be able to withdraw money on the fixed date based on the last digit of their accounts. However, this arrangement is currently only applicable till May 11. After this, the restriction of dates and numbers on the account number will be lifted and after that any person can withdraw money on any day. That is, it can be called the odd even system of banking.

Know which day is Allowed to withdraw money

Bank account holders whose last digit of account number is between 0 and 1 will be able to withdraw money on Monday, May 4. Similarly, those bank customers whose last number of account number is 2 and 3 will be entitled to withdraw money from banks on Tuesday, May 5. In this order, the customers with the last digit of 4 and 5 in the account number will be able to withdraw money on Wednesday, 6 May. Customers whose last digits of bank account number are 6 and 7 will be able to withdraw money on May 8 and the last digit account holders of 8 and 9 will be able to withdraw money in their bank account on May 11.

Hence the Decision Taken

The reason behind such a system is that a large number of people reached the bank in April last month to withdraw money. They were also standing in long queues in and outside the bank premises. In such a situation many times the rules of social distancing could not be followed. Eventually the Indian Banks Association created such an arrangement. The association has appealed to all customers to withdraw money from any ATM. There will be no extra charge for doing this.

500 rupees in the account of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana

Apart from this, 500 rupees of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana are being deposited in the bank accounts of women by the government. Banks have advised that there is no need to rush into any situation. Money kept in banks and accounts is completely safe. The installment for the month of April is put in the accounts of the women and the payment for the installment of the month of May is still in progress.

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